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Fragments of an Umayyad Statue of a Standing Prince, Qasr al-Hayr West. 8th century?

CAPTION Pieces of a stucco figure found at Qasr al-Hayr al-Gharbi displayed in the National Museum, Damascus.
DATE 1969 (film developed)
SOURCE Marilyn Jenkins-Madina Archive, Aga Khan Documentation Center at MIT
Standing prince, Qasr al-Hayr West, 8th century?
Figure 51, p.44, Islamic Art and Architecture 650-1250 by Richard Ettinghausen, Oleg Grabar, Marilyn Jenkins
It would seem, then, that this particular type of garment was adopted by the Sasanians.
On the relief of the Investiture of Ardeshir II of the fourth century A.D. at Taq-i-Bustan, the king is clad in a tunic which seems to be gathered up at the sides thus producing a round apron effect in front
(Fig. 7)52. Similar garments appear to be popular from the fourth to seventh centuries A.D.53.
They continue in use into the eighth century A.D. where a representation of the garment is found in the Umayyad remains of Qasr el-Heir el-Gharbi.
Fragments of a stucco statue of a prince show the figure clad in a tunic, the skirt drawn up at the sides54.
Schlumberger describes the outline of the skirt as formed by belts lifting the hem on the sides at the hips55.
Source: The Representation of Costumes in the Reliefs of Taq-i-Bustan by Elsie Holmes Peck.
See also Umayyad Statue, Khirbat al-Mafjir, c.740AD. Rockefeller Archaeological Museum, Jerusalem.
Umayyad Soldiers on a Coin of Yazīd ibn al Muhallab, early 8th century AD, Gurgān: Coll. of the American Numismatic Society.
Umayyad Frescoes from Quṣayr ʿAmra, mid-8th century AD, Syrian, in situ, Jordan.
Illustrations of Arab Costume and Soldiers.