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Workers, Umayyad Fresco, Qusayr Amra, Jordan, early 8th century AD.
Vault of the Eastern Aisle, Reception Room.

Source: M. Almagro et al., Qusayr ‛Amra. Residencia y baņos omeyas en el desierto de Jordania, Madrid, 1975.
Vault of the eastern aisle, audience hall
The eastern vault is divided into 32 panels in four rows of eight. The panels depict various trades connected with construction work. They include blacksmiths, carpenters, masons, stone-cutters carrying different tools such as saws, punches, pick-hammers and chisels. They wear sleeved tunics which reach to slightly above the knee.
Source: Art Destination Jordan
Back to Umayyad Frescos, Qusayr Amra, Jordan, early 8th century AD. Reception Hall and Bathhouse.
Referenced by CLOTHING The Omayyad period (41-132/661-750) by Elsie H. Peck