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Tamara Talbot Rice
Ordos plaque of fighting horses

A larger image of this Ordos plaque of fighting horses.
Illustration 33, p41 in Tamara Talbot Rice, Ancient Arts of Central Asia, 1965
33 Griaznov sees the final stage of the story illustrated in this gilt bronze plaque from the Ordos in which, he believes,
the horses take up the contest on behalf of their masters. First century BC
See previous plaque.
33 Harness plaque: fighting horses. Gilt bronze openwork. Ordos region, c. first century BC. W. 4¾″ (12.0). Photo: Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum
Siberian gold and bronze belt buckles & plaques, an extract from ANCIENT ARTS OF CENTRAL ASIA by Tamara Talbot Rice