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Tamara Talbot Rice
Statue of a Parthian Prince

A larger image of the Statue of a Parthian Prince, Shami, Iran.
Illustration 71, p85 in Tamara Talbot Rice, Ancient Arts of Central Asia, 1965
71 Life-size bronze statue of a Parthian prince from the temple at Shami. It may have been statues such as these that led the Sassanians to produce the vast figure of Shapur.
Second century
71 Statue: Parthian prince. Bronze. Temple of Shami, Persia, 6′ 3″ (1.90 m). Parthian, second century. Archaeological Museum, Teheran. Photo: Thames and Hudson Archives
A side view of the legs of the Statue of a Parthian Prince, Shami, Iran
See also Parthia, an extract from ANCIENT ARTS OF CENTRAL ASIA by Tamara Talbot Rice
Pazyryk, Scythian, Saka, Sarmatian, Yuezhi, Parthian, White Hun, Hephthalite and Alchon Hun Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers