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The "Kerchevoe Plate"
A Sasanian King Hunting Boar

Dish depicting Varakhran hunting.
390-420s CE. Silver. Dia. 27.6-28 cm.
Sogdian inscr. Samarkand script: "Lord Shav of Chach, i.e. Chach land. 39 staters."
Found 1893 vill. of Kerchevoe, Cherdyn u., Perm prov. Acq. 1894 from Archaeological Commission; Inv. no. S-24.
Pub.: Smirnov no. 53; Trever and Lukonin no. 7
State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg :: Sasanian Metalwork.
A plate recovered from the Perm region, depicts a hunter wearing a ram's horn headdress.
The linear style of the hunter's drapery links the plate to early Sasanian silver vessels bearing medallions enclosing portraits or busts,
and the elemental composition of the silver also distinguishes the vessel from the central Sasanian group.
Harper has suggested that the plate is a product of an eastern, fourth-century workshop.13
13. Harper and Meyers 1981, 72-73, 133-34, pl. 23.
See also: The Stroganov Plate (or Freer Shapur plate). A Sasanian King Hunting Boar. Iran, 4th century AD
Sasanian, Kushano-Sasanian or Hephthalite Plate, British Museum 123093, 4th century AD
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