Kushan Statue of Kanishka, Mathura, India, mid 2nd century AD

A larger coloured image of the Kushan Statue of Kanishka, Mathura, India
Kushan rulers of the second century A.D. are shown in statues with thick padded boots which may be an indication of the nomadic origins of the dynasty.
The Kushan ruler is shown wearing a long coat, open down the front displaying a shorter robe underneath. The coat is of a heavy felt or leather
Benjamin Rowland, The Art and Architecture of India, Baltimore, 1954, pp. 75-78, Pl.44, Statue of Kanishka, mid II century A.D., Curzon Museum, Muttra.
Referenced in Elsie Holmes Peck, "The Representation of Costumes in the Reliefs of Taq-i-Bustan."
Artibus Asiae, Vol. 31, No. 2/3, 1969, Fig. 14.
Tall heavy boots were undoubtedly introduced into Central Asia and Afghanistan by tribal peoples to the north who came down and settled in these regions.
Kushan rulers of the second century A.D. are shown in statues with thick padded boots which may be an indication of the nomadic origins of the dynasty (Fig. 14).
Referenced as Illustration 130, p147 in Tamara Talbot Rice, Ancient Arts of Central Asia, 1965
Referenced as figure 88e in The Armies of Bactria 700BC-450AD Volume 2 (Illustrations) by Valerii P Nikonorov
(e) Portrait statue of Kanishka I from Mathura (India), which seems to date from the early years of his reign (drawing after Rosenfield J M, 1967, fig 2);
see Plate 5A as a reconstruction.