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Roman Virgil
Vatican, MS Vat. lat. 3867, fol. 74v
5th century

Virgilio Romano: Eneide, libro IV: “Mercurio, per incarico di Giove, ricorda a Enea la sua missione”.
Roman Virgil: Aeneid, Book IV: "Mercury, on behalf of Jupiter, recalls Aeneas to his mission".
The Vergilius Romanus (Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica, Cod. Vat. lat. 3867), also known as the Roman Vergil, is a 5th-century illustrated manuscript of the works of Virgil.
It contains the Aeneid, the Georgics, and some of the Eclogues. It is one of the oldest and most important Vergilian manuscripts.
It is 332 by 323 mm with 309 vellum folios. It was written in rustic capitals with 18 lines per page.
The Vergilius Romanus was produced in an undetermined province.
Back to the Roman Virgil, 5th century. Vatican, MS Vat. lat. 3867.
See also Byzantine soldiers on the Throne of Archbishop Maximian of Ravenna, Constantinople or Alexandria, 545-553AD
Justinian as world conqueror. The Barberini Ivory, mid-sixth century
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