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Paintings from the Tatarli Tumulus
Lydian tomb chamber built around 470 B.C. in southern Phrygia

Reconstruction of scene with a Persian chariot.
These reproductions allow viewers an opportunity to compare them with the originals and, potentially, be able to distinguish more colours and figures.
Impressive drawings depicting scenes of battle between the Persians and Scythians,
a funerary procession and Hercules’ Geryon adventure are not only exciting in terms of art but also in historical discourse.
Scenes with dozens of figures give us important information about the lifestyles and beliefs of peoples who lived in Anatolia in the 5th century B.C.
Recent dendrochronology provides an end-date for the Tatarli Tumulus wood is 531 B.C. ± 37.
This is of interest because the painted scenes of phalanxes, sphinxes, griffins,
and birds on the squared inner faces of the gable-end logs are strongly reminiscent of late 6th century Attic Black Figure vase painting.
Source: CAIS
Back to Paintings from the Tatarli Tumulus. Lydian tomb chamber built around 470 B.C.
See also a Gold Model of a Persian Chariot from the Oxus Treasure, British Museum 123908