Soldiers on the Lombard helmet plate of King Agilulfo, 7th century
Fresco of the Crucifixion from Santa Maria Antiqua, 741–52AD, Rome, Italy
Carved Relief of Huntsmen, Cathedral, Civita Castellana, Italy, 8th or 9th century
A detail of a 9th Century North Italian guard with mail leg armour
. from: 'Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicaea', Northern Italy, c.825 AD
Frescoes of Donors, Church of St. Benedict in Mals, South Tyrol, Italy, before 881AD
Lombards in a 10th Century Exultet Beneventano
Charlemagne and Pippin the Hunchback, Manuscript, Italy, 10th century
Soldiers at the Sepulchre on an Ivory Plaque, 10th Century, Milan, Italy. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 1993.19
Basilewsky Situla, Soldiers at the Sepulchre, Ottonian Milan, Italy, c.980AD, Victoria and Albert Museum
The Emperor Receives a Battle-Standard from a Bishop, Milan, Northern Italy, between 998 and 1018
A Caucasian & a Negro Swordsman Fighting, Mosaic from the Church of S. Maria Maggiore, Vercelli, Italy, c.1040
Horsemen in The Life of St Alessio in the Church of San Clemente, Rome, Italy, 11th Century
Relief, Arrest of Jesus, mid-11th century AD, south Italian, Tomba di Rotari, Monte San Angelo
Lombards in an 11th Century De rerum naturis
Lombard King Rotario Dictating the Law, Codex Legum Longobardorum, 11th century
Lombard soldier in an 11th Century Exultet Roll, Museo Civico, Pisa
Cavalryman on the 'Olifant de la Chartreuse de Portes', Amalfi, Italy, 11th Century
Saint Benedict frees a prisoner, Lombard, c.1070, Monte Cassino Southern Italy
David in a Polirone Psalter, before 1086AD, Mantua, Biblioteca Comunale, ms. 340
Norman Soldiers portrayed in 'Charlemagne's chess set', Southern Italy, end of the eleventh century
Atlantic Bible, south French, late 11th century, Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, Ms. Edili 125-126, Florence, Italy

Knights & infantry in mosaics, Casale Monferrato, NW Italy, early 12th century
Knights & infantry in Archivolt carvings above the Leoni door of the church of San Nicola in Bari, 1099 to 1106 AD
Early 12th Century Frescos in San Severo Church, Bardolino, north-east Italy
The Modena Archivolt, 1120-1140
Exultet Roll from Fondi, Campania, Italy, 1136AD, NAL 710
'Roland', carving, Verona Cathedral, Lombardy, Italy, c.1139
Skylitzes Chronicle, Byzantine Italy, c.12th century
Italian City Militia on the Basilica of San Zeno, Verona, c.1135-38
12th century Arabic & Frankish costume in the Painted Wooden Ceiling of the Palatine Chapel, Sicily
Carved capitals, Parma Cathedral, Emilia-Romagna, Italy, 1150-70
The sleeping soldiers at the Resurrection, Pulpit of William, Italy, 1159-1162
Soldiers on a Candlestick, San Paolo fuori la Mura, Rome, Italy, c.1170
Bronze Doors of Trani, Ravello and Monreale Cathedrals, made by Barisano da Trani.
Pharoah's Army (Portrayed as Italian Knights) Crossing the Red Sea on the Baptismal Font in the Basilica of San Frediano, Lucca, Italy, before 1185
Byzantine influenced figures on the doors. Lamp or perfume-burner in shape of domed building. Treasury of San Marco Venice. Sicily or Southern Italy, late 12th century.
Carved Column Capitals in the Cloister of Monreale Cathedral near Palermo in Sicily, 1174 to 1182 AD
Murder of Thomas Becket, Spoleto, Italy, late 12th-century
Italian Soldiers on the Porta Romana frieze, Milan, late 12th century
Sicilians & Germans in the Liber ad honorem Augusti by Pietro da Eboli, c.1197

Islamic Sicilian Ivory Casket with Horsemen, Veroli, Italy, c.1200-1225
Fresco of knights in Iwein at Schloss Rodenegg (Rodeneck), 1215-1220, Northern Italy
The Biblical Story of Abraham Rescuing Lot on the Painted Ceiling, Parma Baptistry, Emilia-Romagna, Italy, mid 13th century
Equestrian statue from the Porta Dei Mesi, Ferrara Cathedral, Italy
Sicilian Ivory Pyxis with Equestrian Falconers, Italy, 13th century, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
The Martyrdom of Thomas Becket, Fresco in the Museo Diocesano from Palazzo dei Trecento, Treviso, Veneto, Italy, c.1260
Italian infantry portrayed in Christ Crucified by Guido Da Siena, 1270s
Knights in tournament scenes, frescoes in the Palazzo Comunale di San Gimignano, by Azzo di Masetto, Tuscany, Italy, 1288-1292
Tomb of Guillaume de Durford at Santissima Annunziata Church, Florence, Italy, c.1289
A man-at-arms on the Seal of the Guild of St George of Ferrara, Italy, late 13th Century
The Florentine Army, c.1260-1325 by Guy Halsall
Paintings of Italian Soldiers of the early 14th Century
Italian City Militia in the Codex Manesse, early 14th century
St. Martin Renounces His Weapons by Simone Martini, 1312-17
Guidoriccio da Fogliano, condottiere, by Simone Martini
La Conquête de Constantinople, by Geoffroi de Villehardouin, Venice, c.1330
The Crucifixion by Paolo Veneziano, Venice, Italy, c.1340
Italian Soldiers in 14th Century Frescoes at Sabbionara Castle at Avio, Guard House
Tombstone of Colaccio Beccadelli at Imola, Italy, c.1340
Battle between the armies led by Laomedon and Nestor, Naples, Italy, 2nd quarter of the 14th century
Pompey the Younger, surrounded by his troops, De bello civili by Lucanus, Biblioteca Trivulziana, Milan, Italy, 1373
Paintings of Italian Soldiers of the mid to late 14th Century
Scenes from the Life of St. James, Pistoia Cathedral, 1376
Victory of the Sienese Troops at Val di Chiana, Italy, 1363

The Battle of Clavigo, Scenes from the Life of St. James, Italy, 1376-79
St. Benedict discovers the shield bearer of Totila by Spinello Aretino, Italy, 1387
Conquest of Fiesole, Villani Chronicle, Italy, 1390s
Conquest of Carmignano, Villani Chronicle, Italy, 1390s
Chronica de Carrarensibus, Padua, Italy, 1390s
Italian light infantry in a Latin Translation of Al-taghvim al-seha'at by Ibn Butlan, Tacuinum Sanitatis, Tuscany, 1390-1400
The 1381 Conquest of Naples by Charles of Durazzo, cassone panel, Florence, Italy, c.1400
Paintings of Italian Soldiers of the early to mid 15th Century
An Italian Naval Battle by Spinello Aretino, Palazzo Pubblico in Siena, 1406-7
Battle of Issus (cassone panel) by Apollonio di Giovanni, Florence, Italy, early 15th century. British Museum, 1878,1101.195
On The Way To Calvary by Fra Angelico, 1438-1445
Stradioti: Balkan Mercenaries in Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Italy By Nicholas C. J. Pappas
Italian soldiers with large shields - mozaic on a wall of the Cappella Palatina, Palermo, Sicily
Italian soldiers in La sconfitta di Montaperti The defeat of Montaperti by Niccolo di Giovanni Ventura, 1443
The rout of San Romano 1432 series by Paolo Uccello, 1440-1450
Horatius Cocles Defending the Sublician Bridge (cassone panel) by Francesco Pesellino, Florence, c.1450. Victoria and Albert Museum, 7897-1863
Paintings of Italian Soldiers of the mid to late 15th Century
Totila and the cleric traitor, by Benedict Bonfigli, ca. 1454, Perugia, Palazzo dei Priori, cappella dei Priori
Filippo Scolari (Pippo Santo), a Florentine condottiere who also served Sigismund of Hungary, in a mural by Andrea del Castagno in the Villa Carducci, Florence
The condottiere Farinata degli Uberti in a mural by Andrea del Castagno in the refectory in Sant' Apollonia In Florence, 1455
'Hesperides' by Basinio de' Basini of Parma, Italy, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 81, 1457-1468AD
The taking of Pisa - unknown Florentine master of the 1460s
The battle of Anghiari - unknown Florentine master of the 1460s
Frescoes of the 'Legend of the True Cross' by Piero Della Francesca, San Francesco, Arezzo, Italy, 1452-1466AD
Conversion of St. Paul by Luca Signorelli, ca. 1470, Santuario della Santa Casa, sagrestia di S.Giovanni
Federigo de Montefeltro by Della Francesca, c.1470
Italian Seamen in the Expedition of the English and French to Barbary, 'Chroniques' 'Harley Froissart', c 1470-1472, BL Harley MS 4379
Frescos in the Chapel of San Fiorenzo by Bastia di Mondovi, 1472
Miracle of St Bernard by Perugino, 1473

Le Rotelle Milanesi-Giornico 1478
Betrayal detail from the Last Supper by Cosimo Rosselli, 1481-82, Sistine Chapel, Vatican City
Detail of soldiers in Delivery of the Keys by Pietro Perugino, 1481-1483
Martyrdom of the Pilgrims, the Life of St Ursula, by Vittore Carpaccio, Italy, 1490-96
The fight between the Bonacotsi and Gonzaga in the Piazza Sordello in Mantua, 1494
Guard Room Fresco, Castello di Issogne, Val d'Aosta, north west Italy, c. 1495
Francesco II Gonzaga, Marquess of Mantua, in 'Madonna della Vittoria' by Andrea Mantegna, 1496
French troops and artillery entering Naples, 1495
Venetians vs Ottomans at the naval Battle of Zonchio (Navarino), 1499
Images of Italian Soldiers of the early 16th Century
Italian Soldiers in The Crucifixion by Luca Signorelli, Umbria, Italy, c.1504/1505
Italian Soldiers in a Fresco by Pinturicchio, Piccolomini Library, Duomo, Siena, Italy, 1502-08
Frederick III Crowning Enea Silvio Piccolomini by Pinturicchio, Siena, Italy, 1502-08
A 1506 print of the Battle of Fornovo 1495
Le Voyage de Gênes (The Journey to Genoa) by Jean Marot, 1510-1520
'St George' by Carpaccio, c.1500. The saint is shown as a fully equipped Venetian man-at-arms
Young Knight in a Landscape, 1510 by Vittore Carpaccio
Portrait of a Florentine in Armour c.1510 attributed to Francesco Granacci

Renaissance Italians by George Gush
Entry of Charles VIII into Florence by Francesco Granacci, 1518
The siege of Padua 1521 by Niccolò degli Agostini
Arfaiolis Black Bands of Giovanni
Emperor Charles V in procession after his coronation by Pope Clement VII in Bologna, 1530, by Nicolaus Hogenberg
The Oath of Sermide by Girolamo Genga, 1530-31
Portrait of a Warrior by Dosso Dossi, 1530s
Tournament Fresco Cycle by Marcello Fogolino, c.1535
A Stradiot in Kostüme und Sittenbilder des 16. Jahrhunderts aus West- und Osteuropa, Orient, der Neuen Welt und Afrika, 1580
A Stradiot in Habitus variarum orbis gentium. Habitz de nations estranges by Jean-Jacques Boissard, 1581
'Reconquest of Padua by Andrea Gritti' by Palma Giovane, Palazzo Ducale, Venice, 1584
'Conquest of Zara' by Tintoretto, Palazzo Ducale, Venice, 1584
'Conquest of Smyrna' by Paolo Veronese, Palazzo Ducale, Venice, 1585
Italian Soldiers in De gli habiti antichi, e moderni di diverse parti del mondo libri due by Cesare Vecellio, 1590
Venetian Army In The XVII And XVIII Century By Filippi Editore Venezia
The Army of the Most Serene Republic of Genoa in The Austrian Succession War by G. C. Boeri & R. Vela
Esercito Veneziano 18th Century (in Italian)
The 1859 Italian War-Operations Of War by Luigi Casali.