Rajput princes hunting bears, post 1650.

A larger image of Rajput princes hunting bears while a mahout and his elephant rescue a fallen horseman from a tiger.
Physical description: Painting, on album page, in opaque watercolour and gold on paper, Rajput princes hunting bears while a mahout and his elephant rescue a fallen horseman from a tiger.
Place of Origin: Mughal Empire
Date: mid 17th century, post 1650
Artist/maker: Unknown
Materials and Techniques: Painted in opaque watercolour and gold on paper
Object history note: This album of 104 folios known as the Clive Album was formerly the property of the Earl of Powis, Powis Castle. (RP 1959/1747)
Descriptive line: Painting, Large Clive Album, Rajput princes hunting bears, mahout and elephant rescue fallen horseman, opaque watercolour and gold on paper, Mughal, mid 17th century or later
Materials: Opaque watercolour; Paper; Paint; Gold
Techniques: Painted
Source: Victoria and Albert Museum, IS.133:101/B-1964