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Akbar hunts in an enclosure near Lahore, 1567
from the Akbarnama

This illustration from the Akbarnama is the left-hand side of a double page composition (the other half is IS.2:55-1896) depicting Akbar taking part in a qamargah.
This is a spectacular hunt whereby the game is driven towards the centre of a ten mile circular area so that the emperor and his entourage could hunt and kill the animals.
It is one of the finest hunting scenes in the V&A Akbarnama paintings and features the early work of the artist Mansur, who became one of the greatest Mughal artists.
The Akbarnama (Book of Akbar) was commissioned by the emperor Akbar as the official chronicle of his reign.
It was written by his court historian and biographer Abu'l Fazl between 1590 and 1596 and
is thought to have been illustrated between about 1592 and 1594 by at least 49 different artists from Akbar's studio.
After Akbar's death in 1605, the manuscript remained in the library of his son, Jahangir (r. 1605-1627) and later Shah Jahan (r.1628-1658).
The Victoria and Albert Museum purchased it in 1896 from Mrs Frances Clarke,
the widow of Major-General John Clarke, who bought it in India while serving as Commissioner of Oudh between 1858 and 1862.
Place of origin: India (possibly, made) Pakistan (possibly, made)
Date: 1590-1595 (painted)
Artist/Maker: Miskina (outline, artist)
Mansur, born 1450 (colours and details, artist)
Materials and Techniques: Opaque watercolour and gold on paper
Victoria and Albert Museum
Museum number: IS.2:56-1896
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