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Battle of Patan. Victory of Qutb ad-Din and Azim Khan over Muhammed Husain Mirza and Sher Khan Fuladi, 1572, (right panel)
from the Akbarnama

This is the right side of a double-page illustration to the Akbarnama (Book of Akbar).
The double-page composition was designed by the Mughal court artist La’l, and the details on this side were painted by Dhanun.
The illustration depicts the Battle of Patan and the victory of the Mughal army led by Qutb ad-Din Khan and Azim Khan over the rebels Muhammad Husain Mirza and Sher Khan Fuladi at Gujarat, north-west India, in 1572.
Victoria and Albert Museum IS.2:108-1896
The elephants in the foreground are fully armoured, while those carrying drummers are unarmoured.
The former seem to have scale armour or body protection and brigandine (quilt cloth with metal plates) for the head.
Previous large image: Akbarnama: 1572, Battle of Patan, Akbarnama, left
Next large image: Akbarnama: 1572, The Wounding of Khan Kilan by a Rajput during his march, Akbarnama, left
Back to the double-page illustration of the Battle of Patan. The Victory of Qutb ad-Din Khan over Muhammad Husain Mirza at Gujarat, 1572, Akbarnama