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An Illustration from the Baburnama, c. 1590-1593
Babur on his throne

By Isma’il Kashmiri. Victoria & Albert Museum IM 2691913 23/D10.
Source: p.482, Chronicle of the World by Jerome Burne (Editor).

The "Memoirs of Babur" or Baburnama are the work of the great-great-great-grandson of Timur (Tamerlane), Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur (1483-1530). The Baburnama tells the tale of the prince's struggle first to assert and defend his claim to the throne of amarkand and the region of the Fergana Valley. After being driven out of Samarkand in 1501 by the Uzbek Shaibanids, he ultimately sought greener pastures, first in Kabul and then in northern India, where his descendants were the Moghul (Mughal) dynasty ruling in Delhi until 1858. The miniatures are from an illustrated copy of the Baburnama prepared for the author's grandson, the Mughal Emperor Akbar. It is worth remembering that the miniatures reflect the culture of the court at Delhi; hence, for example, the architecture of Central Asian cities resembles the architecture of Mughal India. Nonetheless, these illustrations are important as evidence of the tradition of exquisite miniature painting which developed at the court of Timur and his successors. Timurid miniatures are among the greatest artistic achievements of the Islamic world in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.

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Back to the smaller image of Babur on his throne. "Baburnama". Perhaps: Left side of double picture: Babur meeting the Khurasan Mirzas in the tents of Badi al-Zaman Mirza in October 1506.

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