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Illustrations of Ottomans circa 1790 in
Costumes Turcs
Vol. I Folio 80. Kapıcı

Image source: Osmanlı kıyafet albümleri (1770-1810) by Nurdan Küçükhasköylü
Jannissaire, Capidgi de l'Aga des Jannissaires.
Painting (watercolour). Folio 80 from an album showing Turkish costume. Kapıcı, doorkeeper to the chief of the Janissaries (yeniçeris). Wearing a dark blue kaftan tucked into his broad pink and gold kuşak in front, wide scarlet knee breeches and high red boots. White Janissary head-dress (kece) with a gold brim and no plume-holder. Holding a staff (asa)
British Museum. Registration number: 1974,0617,
Previously owned by Heinrich Friedrich von Diez
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