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Costumes Orientaux
Recueil de costumes et vêtements de l'Empire ottoman au 18e siècle
Collection of costumes and clothing of the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century
Owned by Joseph Gabriel Monnier

Ravas : bourreau qui accompagne le Vizir
executioner who accompanies the Vizier
85. Kavvâs comes from the Arabic word kavvâs meaning archer. It was the name of those who carried bows and arrows and walked in front of of high-ranking people. He is depicted with a sword on his waist and a red robe. Kavvâs and çavuşlar travelled without uniforms in civilian disguise (tebdil), the highest ranking of the tebdils was called chief tebdil or elder tebdil. The Kavvâsbaşı was also the head of the kavvâs who served in the entourage of the grand vizier and viziers.
Source: Osmanlı kıyafet albümleri (1770-1810) by Nurdan Küçükhasköylü
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Back to Costumes Orientaux Recueil de costumes et vêtements de l'Empire ottoman au 18e siècle. Owned by Joseph Gabriel Monnier.