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Illustration 093 from:
Costumes Orientaux
Recueil de costumes et vêtements de l'Empire ottoman au 18e siècle
Collection of costumes and clothing of the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century
Owned by Joseph Gabriel Monnier

Muksur aghassi : officier des Janissaires servant d'huissier à la porte du divan, le conseil du sultan
officer of the Janissaries serving as usher at the divan door, the sultan's council
He was the agent (Kapu-Çuhadar) of all the janissaries near the grand vézirate. Also having the command of an 'Orta', his rank was higher than that of all the other commanders of 'Ortas'. His functions consisted in facilitating near the Porte the settlement of the affairs of the janissaries and in sending to their respective 'Ortas' the janissaries who, during their service at the Sublime Porte, had incurred a penalty for some crime or misdemeanor.
Source: État militaire ottoman depuis la fondation de l'Empire jusqu'a nos jours (1882) by A. Djevad Bey

38 Muhzur aga, [commandant] de la garde des Janissaires affectée au [grand vizir]
Muhzur agha, commander of the guard of the Janissaries assigned to the grand vizier
in: Dessins originaux de costumes turcs, BnF 4-OD-23
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Back to Costumes Orientaux Recueil de costumes et vêtements de l'Empire ottoman au 18e siècle. Owned by Joseph Gabriel Monnier.