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Illustration 104 from:
Costumes Orientaux
Recueil de costumes et vêtements de l'Empire ottoman au 18e siècle
Collection of costumes and clothing of the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century
Owned by Joseph Gabriel Monnier

Serdenguesti : soldat Janissaire en tenue de combat
Janissary soldier in battle dress
Literally, the term serden geçti would mean 'one who has renounced his head.' Most of these were volunteers from the Janissaries, and they were the lost souls (enfants perdus) who undertook the most dangerous missions. They formed companies (bayrak, 'banner') of 120 men.
Source: Tableau général de l’Empire othoman. par M. de Mouradgea d’Ohsson, c.1787

41 Janissaire volontaire armé en guerre
Armed Volunteer Janissary at War
in: Dessins originaux de costumes turcs, BnF 4-OD-23
Previous: Seferlı Enderun Ağası
Next: Janissary on patrol
Back to Costumes Orientaux Recueil de costumes et vêtements de l'Empire ottoman au 18e siècle. Owned by Joseph Gabriel Monnier.