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Emperor Timur’s Ambassador in the Presence of Sultan Bayezid Yıldırım (“the Thunderbolt”), 1599-1600AD

A larger image of Emperor Timur’s Ambassador in the Presence of Sultan Bayezid Yıldırım (‘the Thunderbolt’). British Library. Ms. Or. 5736, folio 172b
Note the Persian musketeers at bottom right.
Emperor Timur’s Ambassador in the Presence of Sultan Bayezid Yıldırım (“the Thunderbolt”)
British Library. Ms. Or. 5736, folio 172b
Source: Has-bağçede ‘Ayş u Tarab by Halil İnalcık, p.118, via Pinterest
Referenced by “Part 18 - Persians and other easterners” by George Gush in Renaissance Warfare, Airfix magazine:
“Persian musketeer, late 16th or early 17th Century. Elaborate turban. Sabre slung very high from shoulder belt, with one strap at front and rear. Usual ‘envelope’ pouch below powder horn. Stripes on musket butt, which are white, seem to be characteristic of Persians.”
Ottoman Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Persian Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers