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Ottomans in Illustrations by Melchior Lorck
A portrait of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent
and Elephant

Melchior Lorck, a portrait of Suleyman the Magnificent (Hollstein 35), engraving, 1559
A good impression of the second (final) state
plate: 37.5 by 31.3cm.
leaf: 44 by 34.2cm.
Catalogue Note
This print is based on a portrait, painted from life, of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent, who is remembered as one of the greatest sultans of the Ottoman Empire.
It was published by Melchior Lorck as an engraving in his book entitled
The True and Real Counterfeits and Pictures of the Turkish Emperor Sultan Suleiman and Prince Ismail from Persia but which was subsequently lost.
It contained "[...] re-prints of the portraits of Sultan Suleiman and the Persian ambassador, Ismail,
created back in 1562 and two newly rendered full-figure portraits of the very same subjects, which were dated, respectively, 1573 and 1574"
(Erik Fischer, Melchior Lorck, Volume 1, Biography and Primary Sources, Copenhagen, 2009, pp.124-126).
Source: Sotheby's sale 13223/lot 94
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