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Tatar soldiers joining the army of the mahdi
Miftāh-ı cifrū ī-cāmi’ of Bistami

Tatar soldiers joining the army of the mahdi. Miftāh-ı cifrū ī-cāmi’ of Bistami, translated by Şerifī. Istanbul, ca. 1600. Topkapı Palace Museum, B. 373, fol. 217b.
Photo: Hadiye Cangökçe.
Source: Figure 6.08, p.260, Picturing History at the Ottoman Court by Emine Fetvaci
See also The Prophet Muhammad and the Muslim Army at the Battle of Uhud, portrayed as Ottoman soldiers of 1595 in Siyer-i Nebi (Life of the Prophet), 1595
Attack on Szigetvár, 1566 - Tatars in the foreground as the vanguard, Tarih-i Sultan Süleyman (Zafername). Chester Beatty Library, Dublin (Inv. MS. 413, fol 82a)
Government Courier or Tatar in Peter Mundy's Album, "A briefe relation of the Turckes", Istanbul, 1618
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