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Zaporozhian Cossacks in chaika boats attacking Turkish galleys in the Black Sea in a Pāshānameh, c. 1630
British Library, Sloane 3584, folio 78b

A larger image of Zaporozhian Cossacks in chaika boats attacking Turkish galleys in the Black Sea
Zaporozhian Cossacks in chaika boats attacking Turkish galleys in the Black Sea. Original held in British Library, London.
Original title: Sloane 3584. f.78v Turkish galleys in battle, c.1636
Source: magnoliabox
Pashaname was written in verse by Tulûî. It describes the wars of Kenan Paşa, who was an important statesman in the period of Murad IV. This work exists in British Library-Sloane 3584 and has five miniatures. Mücahit KAÇAR
Paşanâme, produced in the seventeenth century in the Ottoman palace by a poet named Tulûî during the reign of Murad IV. The manuscript accounts the fight of Kenan Paşa, a vizier of the time, against the bandits of the Balkan provinces and his naval expedition on the Cossacks of the Black Sea. Tülün DEĞİRMENCİ
Ottoman Tüfekçi Soldiers in a Pāshānameh, c. 1630. British Library, Sloane 3584, folio 20a
Illustrations of Russian Costume and Soldiers
Ottoman Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers