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Detail of an illustration from Topkapi Sarayi Museum, MS. Hazine 1597-8

Selīm-nāma by Şūkrī-i Bitlisī
f.44a. Bayezid II fighting his son Selim at Uğraşdere

Image source: beyaztarih

Uğraşdere (near Çorlu, Thrace) was the battleground where Sultan Beyazid II defeated his son Selim I (August 1511); a year later Beyazid II was defeated by Selim and was the first Ottoman father to be overthrown by his son. Beyazid II died in Çorlu on his way to exile in Dimetoka. Coincidentally, Selim himself died in Çorlu nine years into his reign. Both father and son are buried in Istanbul.

Back to the full image of Bayezid II fighting his son Selim at Uğraşdere, 'Selīm-nāma', TSM Hazine 1597-8, c.1521-24.
Previous: f32a. Selim and his father-in-law Mengli Giray I.
Next: f52b. Bayezid II with his Divan.

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