Detail from the Frontispiece of a 15th-century Ottoman Sulayman-Name

This row depicts the Prophet-King Solomon's army.
Two officers carry maces, one flanged, the other a transitional Turkish animal-headed style. T 406, f.1b.
Chester Beatty Library, Dublin)
Source: The Fall of Constantinople The Ottoman Conquest of Byzantium by D. Nicolle, J Haldon & S. Turnbull
A reversed image is referenced on p.16, Armies of the Ottoman Turks, 1300-1774 by David Nicolle & Angus McBride
This panel from a manuscript of c.1500 is probably the oldest existing Muslim representation of Ottoman warriors. Made in Bursa for Bayezit II, it shows sipahi troopers wearing helmets, mail aventails, and in some cases, apparent armour over their feet. (Sulayman-namah Ms. 406, F.1V. Chester Beatty Library, Dublin)