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Illustration from the Süleymanname, TSM Haz 1517
f.56a, Damascus Beylerbey Canberdi Gazali

f.56a, Damascus Beylerbey Canberdi Gazali. Süleymanname of 1558, Topkapi Saray Museum ms Hazine 1517.
Damascus Beylerbey Canberdi Gazali, who rebelled after the death of Yavuz Sultan Selim, sent an envoy and told the Egyptian Governor, Hayri Bey, to join the rebellion, and Hayri Bey had the envoy who brought this arrogant news divided into two and conveyed that he would not participate in the rebellion.
Source: pinterest
More Ottoman Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers in the Süleymanname of 1558, Topkapi Saray Museum ms Hazine 1517.