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Illustration from the Süleymanname, TSM Haz. 1517
f.367a, Suleiman at Qasr-i Shirin in Mesopotamia

Sultan Süleyman arriving at Kasr-ı Şirin from the Süleymanname of Arifı transcribed in 1558 (İstanbul. Topkapi Sarayi Müzesi, H. 1517, fol. 367a)
Fig 41d in The Age of Süleyman the Magnificent by Atıl Esin
The scene narrating Süleyman's 1533-34 campaign against the Safavids, during which the Ottomans captured Tabriz and Baghdad, ... the Sulaymānnāma shows him arriving at Qasr-i Shirin, a site associated with the palace of the Sassanian king Khusrau
p.270, Picturing History at the Ottoman Court By Emine Fetvaci
A detail of Suleiman at Qasr-i Shirin in Mesopotamia. Süleymanname, TSM Haz. 1517.
More Ottoman Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers in the Süleymanname of 1558, Topkapi Saray Museum ms Hazine 1517.
Other Illustrations of Ottoman Janissaries (Janizary, Yeniceri)