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Illustration from the Süleymanname, TSM Haz 1517
f.503a, Süleyman’s audience to the envoy of the Sultan of Mecca, one of his vassals

f.503a, Süleyman’s audience to the envoy of the Sultan of Mecca, one of his vassals. Süleymanname of 1558, Topkapi Saray Museum ms Hazine 1517.
Like those of the Safavid envoy, the gifts are depicted right behind the envoy. In a gesture signaling his relative closeness to the sultan, he stands upright. Figure 2.6 'Gifts in Motion: Ottoman-Safavid Cultural Exchange, 1501-1618' by Sinem Arcak.
Source: pinterest
More Ottoman Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers in the Süleymanname of 1558, Topkapi Saray Museum ms Hazine 1517.