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Shahin-Shah-nama ('Book of the King of Kings'), by Nakkas Osman 1597
Sultan Murad III, upon the walls of Istanbul

Ms. B.200, folios 33b-34a, Topkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul.
Shahin-Shah-nama ('Book of the King of Kings'), by Nakkas Osman 1597
Sultan Murad III, upon the walls of Istanbul,
anticipates the arrival of the Safavids, escorted by crowds.
Source: "Early Modern Istanbul as a Center of Diplomacy" by Emrah Safa Gürkan
Back to illustrations from the Shahin-Shah-nama ('Book of the King of Kings'), Ottoman, c.1597. Written by Seyyid Lokman, probably illustrated by Nakkas Osman. Ms. B.200, Topkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul.
Other Illustrations of Ottoman Janissaries (Janizary, Yeniceri)