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Zafername or Tarih-i Sultan Süleyman, written by Seyyid Lokman, illustrated by Nakkas Osman, Ottoman, 1579AD. Ms. T 413, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin.
Crossing the Bridge on the Drava, from the History of Sultan Süleyman by Sayyid Luqman

From the Tarih-i Sultan Süleyman (Zafername). Chester Beatty Library, Dublin (Inv. MS. 413, fol 60a).
Crossing the Bridge on the Drava. The Ottomans ended the 1566 siege of Szigetvar (Hungary) by mining under one of the fortress towers, and blowing it up.
As the army entered the fort, the magazine exploded.
Back to the smaller image of Crossing the Bridge on the Drava, from the History of Sultan Süleyman by Sayyid Luqman.