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Zafername or Tarih-i Sultan Süleyman, written by Seyyid Lokman, illustrated by Nakkas Osman, Ottoman, 1579AD. Ms. T 413, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin.
Fortifications along the Ottoman frontier with Safavid Iran, from the History of Sultan Süleyman by Sayyid Luqman

A larger image of Fortifications along the Ottoman frontier with Safavid Iran, from the History of Sultan Süleyman by Sayyid Luqman
From the Tarih-i Sultan Süleyman (Zafername). Chester Beatty Library, Dublin (Inv. MS. 413, fol 12a).
Fortifications along the Ottoman frontier with Safavid Iran, from the History of Sultan Süleyman by Sayyid Luqman.
This section discusses different measures for defending the frontiers of the Ottoman empire.
To the east, the Ottoman border with Safavid Iran was carefully marked with the construction of fortresses.
Here, a sheep is sacrificed to bless the construction of one fort, while further defensive architecture may be seen in the distance.
Back to the Zafername or Tarih-i Sultan Süleyman, written by Seyyid Lokman, illustrated by Nakkas Osman, Ottoman, 1579AD. Ms. T 413, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin.