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Zafername or Tarih-i Sultan Süleyman, written by Seyyid Lokman, illustrated by Nakkas Osman, Ottoman, 1579AD. Ms. T 413, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin.
The Ottoman army arrives at Szigetvar, from the History of Sultan Süleyman by Sayyid Luqman

A larger image of The Ottoman army arrives at Szigetvar, from the History of Sultan Süleyman by Sayyid Luqman
From the Tarih-i Sultan Süleyman (Zafername). Chester Beatty Library, Dublin (Inv. MS. 413, fol 64a).
The Ottoman army arrives at Szigetvar.
The Ottoman sultan Suleyman riding with his army of cavalry and footsoldiers, and arriving at the Hapsburg fortress of Szigetvar (Hungary) for a major siege in 1566.
Back to the Zafername or Tarih-i Sultan Süleyman, written by Seyyid Lokman, illustrated by Nakkas Osman, Ottoman, 1579AD. Ms. T 413, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin.