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Illustration of Ottomans from Turkish Postcards from the 1950s of

Elbicei Atika. Musée des Anciens Costumes Turcs de Constantinople, par Jean Brindesi

Plate 20

İç AğalarıCüceEnderun Dilsizi
Enderoun Houmayoun Itch-Aghalar Djudjé Enderoun Houmayoun Dilcisi
Pages de l'intérieur du Palais Nain du Plais Muet du Palais (Page)
Pages in the Palace Palace Dwarf Palace Mute (Page)

Iç Ağa (aka Enderun Ağa): The Has Oda (arabic Khāṣṣ) was the Privy Chamber. It had 39 Royal Pages, every sultan was the fortieth member. The Royal Pages served the sultan himself personally in immediate attendance as his sword bearer, cup bearer, attendants of his hair and beard, his nails, his wardrobe, the caretaker of his bedchamber – one out of the top thirty nine assigned for every part of the sultan’s body, clothing, and personal items.
Source: Understanding Patrimonial Resilience: Lessons from the Ottoman Empire by Tolga Kobas

Back to the original Plate 20 of 'Elbicei Atika. Musée des Anciens Costumes Turcs de Constantinople', par Jean Brindesi

Previous: Pages in the Palace. Palace Dwarf. Palace Mute (Page).
Next: 1st Valet of the Sultan. Sword Bearer. (Left-handed)
Archer bodyguard to the Sultan. Messenger/Guard of Honour

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