Théâtre de tous les peuples et nations de la terre avec leurs habits et ornemens divers, tant anciens que modernes, diligemment depeints au naturel par Luc Dheere peintre et sculpteur Gantois
Theatre of all peoples and nations of the earth with their clothes and various ornaments, both ancient and modern, naturally, diligently portrayed by Luc Dheere painter and sculptor of Ghent
Archier et Harquebusier du grand Turc
Solak Archer and Janissary
by Lucas d'Heere, about 1575

A larger image of a Solak Archer and a Janissary, by Lucas d'Heere, about 1575.
Source: Ghent University Library
Ottoman Turkish Soldier and Turkish Woman, by Lucas d'Heere
Ottoman Turkish Delli, by Lucas d'Heere
Other Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers by Lucas DeHeere
Other Illustrations of Ottoman Janissaries
Ottoman Soldiers from other European Illustrations.