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An Illustration from
Voyage à Athènes et à Constantinople ou Collection de portraits, de vues, et de costumes grecs et ottomans
by Louis Dupré (1789-1837). Published Paris: Dondey-Dupré, 1825.

Plate 36. Raliounji
Marin militaire attaché à l'Amirauté Ottomane.
Military sailor attached to the Ottoman Admiralty.
Kalyoncu, Galiodji or Galleon Sailor.
Other large images:
Nikolakis Mitropoulos by Louis Dupré
Warrior of Sellaida by Louis Dupré
Back to the smaller image of Kalioundji. Military sailor attached to the Ottoman Admiralty, by Louis Dupré, 1825.
See also a Kalyoncu, Galiodji or Galleon Sailor, by Jean Brindisi, 1855