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The History of
The Present State of the
Ottoman Empire,
the Maxims of the Turkish Politie,
the Most Material Points of the Mahometan religion.
Their Sects and Heresies, Their Convents and Religious Votaries.
Their Military Discipline, with an Exact Computation of Their Forces Both by Sea and Land
by Sir Paul Rycaut (1628-1700)
Published by John Starkey & Henry Brome, 1667
A Janizary (Janissary).
A spahi (cavalryman).
The Chaousbashee (Çavuş başı) or cheife of the pursuivants.
Delee (Delli), or one of the Viziers guard.
Emir Bashee, or head of Mahomets kindered.
Janizar Agasi (Janissary aga) or generall of the Janizaries.
Men in the Turkish royal court, 17th century.
Men in the Turkish royal court, 17th century.
The prime Vizier.
The e book of The History of the Present State of the Ottoman Empire (Contents at the end)
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