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Eastern Mediterranean & North African Illustrations from:
by Blaise de Vigenere. Paris, 1663.
Version Francaise
& other Persons of the Ottoman Empire, by NICOLAY.
Most of these illustrations also appear in Peregrinations faites en Turquie by Nicolas de Nicolay, 1577
and the Azab in Ottomans in De gli habiti antichi, e moderni di diverse parti del mondo libri due by Cesare Vecellio, 1590
"Qui nous sont venus en main par la diligence du sieur Nicolas Nicolai, au moins pour les planches; car pour les descriptions, elles ont este amplisiees ou racourcies selon les occurrences: on y a aussi adjouste queques planches, comme le Lectuer pourr a remarquer."
"We have come in hand by the diligence of Mr. Nicolas Nicolai, at least for the plates, because for descriptions, they are amplified or shortened according to the occurences: there are also additional lithograph plates as the Lecture notes."
[A description titled 'Fille De L'Isle De Paros En L'Archipelague' has no plate and plate 61 is a copy of plate 60. Neither is reproduced here.]
Text links to the larger images:
Aga, Captain General of the Janissaries
Kadi al askar, The Executor of the Laws in Turkey
Boluk Bashi, Captain of One Hundred Janissaries
Solak, Ordinary Archer of the Guard of the Great Lord
Yeniceri (Janissary) Soldier of the Foot Guard
Yeniceri (Janissary) Going To War
Azab based on an Azab in De gli habiti antichi, e moderni di diverse parti del mondo libri due by Cesare Vecellio, 1590
Azamoglan or Tribute Child
Rustic Azmoglans
Peik or Lackey of the Grand Turk
Old Dress or Manner of Peiks or Lackeys of the Great Lord
The Players of the Great Lord called Guressis or Pleuianders
Pleuianders Players
Delli, or otherwise Fool-hardy (a foot version based on a mounted Delli by Nicolay)
Drunken Turks belonging to Azamoglans, Leventis and Azabs
Turkish Cook
Greek Villager Called Voinuk
Jewish Doctor
Turkish Religious Giomailer
Turkish Religious Calender
Turkish Religious Dervish
Turkish Religious Torlaquis
Religious Turk
Emir, Relative of Mohammed
Moorish pilgrims parade in Mecca
Water Carrier For The Mecca Pilgrims
Persian Gentleman
Greek Gentleman
Greek Merchant
Jewish Merchant
Armenian Merchant
Merchant Of Ragusa
Knave From Ragusa, Or Letter Carrier
Arab Merchant
Moorish Slave
Turkish Great Lady
Turk Going To The Bath
The Turkish Gentle Woman In Her House Or Palace
Turkish Minor Noble Woman In-doors
Turkish Woman Going To The City
Turkish Woman Leading Infants
Merry Turkish Girl
Turkish Woman, Dressed Like A Moor
Greek Noble Woman Of The City Of Pera
Gentle Woman in western dress
Noble Greek Girl Of The City Of Pera
Noble Woman Of The City Of Adrianople Town Of Thrace
Jewish Woman From Adrianople
Jewish Girl From Adrianople
Greek Villager
Macedonian Woman
Woman From The Island Of Chios
Girl From The Island Of Chios
Woman Of Carmania
Woman Dressed Like A Syrian
Persian Woman
Moorish Woman From Tripoli in Barbary
Mavre Women Of Algiers In Barbary Going To The City
Moorish Girl, Slave In Algiers, Town Of Barbary
Woman From The Island Of Malta
Ottoman Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Other Spanish & North African Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Index of Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers