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Ilkhanid Illustration
A Ruler Enthroned. Frontispiece
from the 1341 Inju Shahnama, Shiraz

A larger image of A Ruler Enthroned. 1341 Shahnama - Inju Dynasty, Shiraz.
A ruler enthroned, left-hand half of a double-page; verso: text
Calligrapher: Hasan b. Muhammad b. Ali b. Husayni (Mawsili)
Patron: Qiwam al-Dawla wa'l-Din
Medium: Ink, opaque watercolor and gold on paper
Dimensions: H x W: 35.6 x 29.3 cm (14 x 11 9/16 in)
Type: Manuscript
Origin: Shiraz, Iran
Date: February 1341 (Ramadan 741 A.H.)
Period: Mongol period
Accession Number: S1986.112
Source: Freer | Sackler
Washington DC, Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
Title of Work: Shahnama (1341)
Manuscript: S1986.99-119
Accession Number: S86.0112
Scene: Frontispiece (recto side)
English Title: A ruler enthroned
Dimensions (h x w): 242 x 212 mm
Format: Full page within borders without any text (inscription)
Hijri Date: 741 Dhu'l-Qa'da 20
Gregorian Date: 1341 May 15
School: Shiraz
Source: Shahnama Project
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