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Ilkhanid Illustration
Gushtasp killing the Dragon in Rum
from the 1341 Inju Shahnama, Shiraz

A larger image of Gushtasp killing the Dragon in Rum. 1341 Shahnama - Inju Dynasty, Shiraz.
Folio from a Shahnama (Book of kings) by Firdawsi (d.1020); verso: Gushtasp kills the dragon; recto: text: Ahran asks Qaesar for his daughter’s hand, Miran puts Ahran in touch with Gushtasp.
Calligrapher: Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Husayni
Historical period: Inju dynasty, Mongol period, February 1341 (Ramadan 741 A.H.)
Medium: Ink, opaque watercolor on paper
Dimenions: H x W: 36.8 x 30 cm (14 1/2 x 11 13/16 in)
Geography: Iran, Shiraz
Accession Number: F1942.11
Classification: Manuscript
Type: Detached manuscript folio
Description: Detached folio from a dispersed copy of the Shahnama (Book of kings) by Firdawsi; text: Persian in black naskh script; headings in red and black; recto: text, Ahran asks Qaesar for his daughter’s hand, Miran puts Ahran in touch with Gushtasp, 6 columns, 30 lines; verso: illustration and text, Gushtasp kills the dragon, seal, 6 columns, 22 lines, one of a group of 7 folios.
Border: The text and the painting are set in red and gold rulings on cream-colored paper.
Provenance: Dikran G. Kelekian, Inc., New York to 1948. Freer Gallery of Art, purchased from Dikran G. Kelekian, Inc., New York in 1948
Source: Freer | Sackler
Washington, D.C., Freer Gallery of Art
Title of Work: Shahnama (1341)
Manuscript: F1942.11-12, 1945.7, 1948.15, 1952.35
Accession Number: F1948.15
Chapter 14 - Luhrasp (120 years)
Scene: Gushtasp kills a dragon in Rum
Dimensions (h x w): 240 x 93 mm
Hijri Date: 741 Dhu'l-Qa'da 20
Gregorian Date: 1341 May 14
School: Shiraz, Iran
Source: Shahnama Project
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