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Ilkhanid Illustrations
from the 1341 Inju Shahnama, Shiraz
The King of Mazandaran changes himself into a rock

A larger image of The King of Mazandaran changes himself into a rock. 1341 Shahnama - Inju Dynasty, Shiraz. Les Musées d'art et d'histoire, Geneva, 1971-0107-0369.
Le roi de Mazandaran métamorphosé en pierre
Style Injû
Image: 125 x 168 mm (miniature); feuille: 285 x 240 mm (surface écrite); feuille: 371 x 292 mm
Encre noire et rouge, gouache et or sur papier
Mention obligatoire : Cabinet d'arts graphiques des Musées d'art et d'histoire, Genève, Legs Jean Pozzi
N° d'inventaire : 1971-0107-0332
Titre du volume/album : Shâhnâma (Livre des Rois)
Source: Les Musées d'art et d'histoire de la Ville de Genève
Geneva, Musée d'art et d'histoire
Manuscript: 1971-107/332
Chapter 12 - Kay Kavus (150 years)
Scene: The King of Mazandaran changes himself into a rock
English Title: King of Mazandaran turns himself into a rock
Dimensions (h x w): 100 x 170 mm
Format: Rectangular within borders
Hijri Date: 741 Dhu'l-Qa'da 20
Gregorian Date: 1341 May 15
School: Shiraz
Public Notes: The painting is placed in the text at the exact moment when Kay Kavus arrives on the scene on his elephant, after the King has turned himself into a stone before the astonished gaze of Rustam.
Source: Shahnama Project
Rustam, in the tiger-skin, is referenced as figure 645B in The military technology of classical Islam by D Nicolle
645B. Manuscript, B - 'Warrior of Mazandaran,' Shāhnāmah, early 14th century AD, formerly Pozzi Coll., Paris (ex-Blo M).
See Khūd Helmets by David Nicolle, an extract from The military technology of classical Islam
and Nomad horse archery by David Nicolle, an extract from The military technology of classical Islam
Back to the 1341 Injuid Shahnama
See also 645A. Manuscript, A - 'Lahak or Farishward,' Shāhnāmah, early 14th century AD, formerly Pozzi Coll., Paris (ex-Blo M).