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Manuchihr kills Salm
Illustrations of Jalayrids from a late 14th Century Shahnama
The figures wear contemporary dress or dress of no latter than the date of the illustration.

From the Sarai Albums, Tabriz, second half of 14th century. Hazine 2153, folio 35a Topkapi Sarai Museum.
Source: Plate 45 in: M. GORELIK, "Oriental Armour of the Near and Middle East from the Eighth to the Fifteenth Centuries as Shown in Works of Art", in: Islamic Arms and Armour, ed. ROBERT ELGOOD, London 1979
45 Miniature from Shāh-Nāmeh, Tabriz, c.1370-1380. (Topkapu Saray Museum. Hazine 2153, fol. 35a)
Referenced on p.18, The Age of Tamerlane (Men-at-Arms), 1990 by David Nicolle
Another miniature from a lost copy of the Shahnamah shows a warrior placing the severed head of his foe upon a spear.
The victim’s helmet lies on the ground and is one of very few representatives of a helmet with a face-mask visor.
Comparable but later visored helmets survive and are generally referred to as ‘Tartar’.
This manuscript dates from the early 15th C. and was probably made in Shiraz. (Fatih Albums, Topkapi Lib., Ms. Haz. 2153, f.35r, Istanbul)
Back to the smaller image of Manuchihr kills Salm, Shahnama, Jalarid Tabriz, Iran, 14th Century. Topkapi Sarai Museum, Hazine 2153.