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An illustration in the 1305-14
Jami‛ al-Tawarikh
by Rashid al-Din.
Universal History
or Compendium of Chronicles
Ğāmi‛ al-tavārīḫ. Rašīd al-Dīn Fazl-ullāh Hamadānī
Joseph and his brethren

Il-Khanid: Tabriz
Khalili Collection, MSS. 727, folio 49a
Fig. 193; p162 Rogers. Fig. 48: K31 Blair.
Previous: Jami' al-Tawarikh: Joseph, his robe torn by Potiphar's wife (Zulaykha), appears before Potiphar, f48a/288a
Next: Jami' al-Tawarikh: Moses commands the Levites to behead those who had worshipped the Golden Calf, f52a/292a
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