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An illustration in the 1305-14
Jami‛ al-Tawarikh
by Rashid al-Din.
Universal History
or Compendium of Chronicles
Ğāmi‛ al-tavārīḫ. Rašīd al-Dīn Fazl-ullāh Hamadānī
Yusha (Joshua) orders property taken at Jericho to be destroyed

Ms Or 20 f.10v Yusha orders property taken at Jericho to be destroyed, miniature from the ‘Jami' al-Tawarikh’ of Rashid al-Din
Il-Khanid Tabriz
Opaque watercolour, ink, gold and silver on paper
Shelfmark: Or.Ms.20
Holding Institution: University of Edinburgh
Title: Jami' al-Tawarikh (World History)
Alternate Title: Compendium of Chronicles
Subset Index: f.10v detail
Creator: Rashid al-Din Ṭabib
Creator Nationality: Iranian
Creator Role: Author
Date: c.1306CE or c.1314/15CE
Detail of miniature from the Compendium of Chronicles by Rashid al-Din.
Shows Yusha (Joshua), seated on two large cushions and surrounded by attendants, ordering the property taken at Jericho to be destroyed.
This occasion is not directly related to any account in the bible, apart from perhaps a reference in Joshua 6:21: 'and they utterly destroyed all that was in the city'.
Arguably the greatest treasure in the library, the Jami' al-Tawarikh, or Compendium of Chronicles, is a world history which encompasses a range of cultures,
from China in the East, to Ireland in the West, from the time of Adam.
It is written in the Naskh script and contains 70 illustrated folios.
Written by the scholar and courtier Rashid al-Din (d.1318), there is some debate as to the exact date of this manuscript,
but it was almost certainly completed within the author's lifetime, making it one of the earliest copies in existence.
It is one of the three main sources for the life of Genghis Khan and is considered to be one of the most important medieval documents in the world.
Sources: Hukk, M (1925), A descriptive catalogue of the Arabic and Persian manuscripts in Edinburgh University Library, Hertford. Talbot Rice, D. (1976), The Illustrations to the World History of Rashid al-Din, Edinburgh.
Source: Edinburgh University Library
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