Illustration in the c.1330
Kitāb-i-Samak 'Iyār (part 3)
by Ibn Abī al-Qāsim Shīrāzī, Ṣadaqah.

Folio 003a: Soldiers attacking a man lying outside a castle

End: Women offer food and drinks to hairy man; an attendant speaks to them. Kitab-i-Samak 'Iyar.
Next: Farrukhruz weeping at the sight of Gulru. Kitab-i-Samak 'Iyar.
Back to Kitab-i-Samak 'Iyar, Injuid Shiraz, Persia, c.1330. Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. Ouseley 381.

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