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Battle of Chaldiran
Fresco in the main hall of the Chehel Sotoun in Isfahan

Shah Esmāʿīls triumph over the Janissary aga at the battle of Čālderān
photo by youngrobv
The battle of Čalderān: wall painting by the 18th-century artist Ostād Ṣādeq Naqqāş (Eser-e Ostad Sadiq Naqqash) during the Qajar period.
It decorates one of the reception rooms in the Čehel Sotun Palace, Isfahan.
Back to Frescos in the main hall of the Chehel Sotoun in Isfahan, Iran.
See also Battle Of Chaldiran 1514 by Prof. Dr. Nazeer Ahmed
Persia Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Other Illustrations of Ottoman Janissaries (Janizary, Yeniceri)
Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers