Hunters With Muskets Carrying Kill (version 1) from the Chehel Sotoun
Most of the frescoes of the main hall were finished in 1647 during the reign of Shah Abbas II. It is likely the dress represents this date.
![Persian Musketeers Carrying Kill, Chehel Sotoun, Persia](http://warfare.6te.net/Persia/HuntersWithMusketsCarryingKill-1.jpg)
This photo by 'youngrobv' is different to the smaller version. There is no rail at the top left.
The left-hand figure wears a broad-brimmed hat with a band; the other two have hats that are perhaps turkic influenced.
They wear short jackets buttoned down the front with collars. Sashes are worn.
The left figure's jacket has short wide sleeves with coloured bands.
They wear breeches and hose with garters.
Two have shoes while the centre figure has short boots that button-up the side.
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