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Timurid Soldiers from Muhammad Juki's Shahnamah, early 1440s
Rustam kills Ashkabus and his horse

Folio 145b
Rustam has accepted the challenge of meeting Ashkabus, an arrogant warrior for Turan, in combat. Rustam, at the left, wears his
famous tiger-skin clothing and a cap made from the fur of a snow leopard. Backed up against a wall of rock, the lone Rustam boldly faces
Ashkabus, who has the Turanian army standing ready behind him. Rustam’s victory, though, is already foretold in the details: Ashkabus’s horse
has crumpled to the ground; he has just shot an arrow that has failed to reach its mark, while Rustam’s bow is drawn taut, about to deliver the
final blow. The Iranian army watches from the left background, their faces expressing fear, resolution, and amazement. They sound their
trumpet and wave their flag, which reads “dominion, honor, and victory.”
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