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Timurid Soldiers from a Khamsah of Niẓāmī Ganjavī
by Bihzad, late 15th/early 16th century
f.161r A detail of a hunting scene in Haft paykar

A larger image of a hunting scene in Haft paykar - from a Khamsah of Niẓāmī Ganjavī, Timurid.
Title: Niẓāmī Ganjavī, Khamsah
Content :
The five poems making up the Khamsah by Niẓāmī Ganjavī (1140 or 41-1202 or 3), containing 19 whole-page miniatures, one (f. 41r) contemporary;
14 in the Herat later-Timurid style; and four (ff 234v, 245v, 250v and 271v) in the Tabriz/Safavid style of c. 1535-40.
Three paintings ( ff. 121v, 161r and 231v) are attributed to Bihzad.
Consists of:
Add MS 25900, ff 5v-30v: Makhzan al-asrār
Add MS 25900, ff 31v-100v: Khusraw u Shīrīn
Add MS 25900, ff 101v-150v: Laylā u Majnun
Add MS 25900, ff 151v-205r: Haft paykar
Add MS 25900, ff 206v-319v: Iskandarnāmah
Source: British Library
Next: f.231v A battle scene from Iskandarnāmah, Khamsah of Niẓāmī Ganjavī, British Library Add MS 25900
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