Timur Attacks Aleppo,
Zafarnama of Ibrahim Sultan, Timurid Shiraz, 1436.

Siege of a city from the Zafarnama of Sharaf al-din Yazdi, the official historian of Timur's reign. There are at least 30 known 15th-century copies of the Zafarnama, indicating its role in disseminating the record of Timurid power.
Shiraz School. folio 317b. From p.43, The Mughal Emperors: And the Islamic Dynasties of India, Iran, and Central Asia by Francis Robinson.
Title: Zafarnama of Ibrahim Sultan (Art Market)
Alternate transliteration Titles: Zafar-Nama, Zafarnameh, Zafername
Alternate Title: Zafarnama-yi Timuri
Translated Title: Book of Victory
Translated Title: Book of Conquest
Alternate Title: Zafar-nama of Sharaf al-Din 'Ali Yazdi
Author / Creator: Sharaf al-Din Ali Yazdi, d. 1454/858 AH [author] Ya'qub ibn Hasan [calligrapher]
Publication info: Place of production: Shiraz, Shiraz, Ostan-e Fars, Iran
Culture: Islamic / Iranian
Form / genre: manuscripts
Style / period: Timurid / Persian
Associated Name: Ibrahim-Sultan ibn Shahrukh, d. 1435, Iranian [patron]
Timur, r. 1370-1405/771-807 AH [subject]
Creation Date: June-July 1436/Dhu al-Hijja 839 AH
Left folio of double page : ff. 331b-332a: Timur Attacks Aleppo
Source: Hollis images, Harvard Library