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A battle scene in
Tārīkh-i Iskandarī in a Khamsah by Jamālī.
Aq Qoyunlu/Ak Koyunlu (White Sheep Turkoman) Baghdad, 1465AD.
British Library MS. IO Islamic 138, f.205r.

IO Islamic 138
Date: 1465
Title: Jamālī, Khamsah
Content: Five masnavis composed by the poet Jamālī who may have lived at Tabriz at the beginning of the 15th century, and illustrated with six miniatures (ff. 14r, 24r, 75r, 101v, 125v, 205r). Copied at Baghdad. Colophons dated 8 Ramazan 869 (4 May 1465, f. 86r) and Muharram 870 (August/September 1465, f.132r)
Contents: Tuḥfat al-abrār (ff. 1v-29r); Mihr u nigār, composed in 805/1402-03 (ff. 29v-86r); Maḥzūb u maḥbūb, composed in 814/1411-12 (ff. 86v-132r) and dedicated to Ghiyās al-Dīn Bāysunghur (d. 1433); Haft awrang, composed in 820/1417 (ff. 132v-179r); Tārīkh-i Iskandarī, written in imitation of Niẓāmī’s Iskandarnāmah (ff. 179v-210r)
Languages: Persian
Physical Description
Material: Paper
Dimensions: 330 x 260 mm leaf
Script: Nastaʻliq in 4 columns, 25 lines per page
Binding: Modern red half-morocco
Condition: Every page covered with gauze at time of rebinding. Incomplete at end with text breaking off abruptly on f. 210r
Seals: scrubbed out seal, also octagonal seal of Abū Saʻīd (f. 1r)
Ownership: Purchased by Richard Johnson 3 Jum I [1780-82] in Lucknow (f 1r). Previously purchased by Abu Saʻīd, note dated 28? Safar? 1028 (28 February 1619). Purchased from Richard Johnson February 1807.
Source: British Library MS. IO Islamic 138.
Detail of an Aq Qoyunlu/Ak Koyunlu (White Sheep Turkoman) Soldier in Tārīkh-i Iskandarī.

Referenced as figure 185 in: M. GORELIK, "Oriental Armour of the Near and Middle East from the Eighth to the Fifteenth Centuries as Shown in Works of Art", in: Islamic Arms and Armour, ed. ROBERT ELGOOD, London 1979
185. Khamseh by Jāmī, Baghdad, c.1465. (India Office, London, no. 1284)
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