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Illustration from the manuscript of the Romance of Varqa and Gulshah, c.1250.
FIG. 1.-1, 3b: Une scène de bazar montrant quatre boutiques; la première (de gauche à droite) peutêtre une bijouterie, la deuxième une herboristerie-droguerie, le troisième une boucherie et la dernière une boulangerie avec un personnage qui prend le pain du four; fond bleu; inscription: "Représentation du campement des Banū Shayba."
FIG. 1.-1, 3b: A scene showing four bazaar shops, the first (from left to right) perhaps a jewelry store, the second one - herbalism drugstore, the third a butcher and the last a bakery with a character who takes the bread from the oven; blue background; inscription: "Representation of the encampment of the Banū Shayba."

Bazaar at the camp of the Banu Shayba, with (left to right) a jeweller's, a herbalist, a butcher's, and a baker's.
Male figures of lower social status are not represented wearing caftans and boots. In the Varqa wa Golšah manuscript the butcher and the baker are unshod and bare to the waist, wearing only loose white trousers.
CLOTHING The Saljuqs and the post-Saljuq period by Elsie H. Peck
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