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Illustration from the manuscript of the Romance of Varqa and Gulshah, c.1250.
detail of the Two Servant on the Left of Image 5
5, 8b: Gulshāh dans la tente de Rabī, assis sur un trône, auprès duquel il y a une servante; à gauche et à droite quatre serviteurs apportant des cadeaux à Gulshāh; fond sans couleur.
FIG. 3.-5, 8b: Gulshāh in the tent of Rabī, seated on a throne, with whom there is a servant; to the right and left four servants bearing gifts to Gulshāh; background without colour.

Detail of 'Rabi tries to win the affections of the captured Gulshah, by offering her his wealth'.
Plate 94 from Painting The Stars In A Century Of Change, by Moya Carey, 2001
Both British Library versions of Serpentarius wear distinctive knee-length ridingboots, with pointed toes [PLATE 92].
There is an oval cartouche of decoration at the front and back of the shin, and wrinkles around the ankle.
The boot opens by means of a slit running diagonally down the sides, from the back of the knee around to the top of the foot.
Exactly the same type of boot is worn by many of the men illustrated in the c.1225AD Warqa wa Gulshāh manuscript [PLATE 94]
c.1218-19AD Kitāb al-Aghāni and both the 1199AD and mid-thirteenth century Diryāq manuscripts.
pp.221-222 Painting The Stars In A Century Of Change, by Moya Carey, 2001
The tall forked headdress is referenced by Saljuq Clothing by Elsie H. Peck
Back to Image 5 - Rabi tries to win the affections of the captured Gulshah, by offering her his wealth